Empowering Women for Better Equality

The mission is to educate and empower women


Prayer Requests

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About Me

Coach, Motivation Speaker & Trainer

Motivational speaker. “New Thought” spiritual teacher. Believer. Reader. Writer. Girl Boss. Mompreneur. 

She is known primarily for her conferences, charismatic personality, relatable advice, and spiritual walk with Christ . Along with her psychology degree, she has obtained a certificate in business, countless awards and recognition for her ability to inspire others. Ashley decided to dedicate her life to Christ and His word in her early twenties. Ashley Robinson is the founder and CEO of Favored Sisters ministry currently known as Royal Rubies. 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Books by A. Robinson

Read My Books & Start a New Life

Prayer Request

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